
Compulsory disclosure under Section 5 TMG (German Teleservices Act)

Neue Celluloid Fabrik
Jürgen Kleinig
Holbeinstr. 9
04229 Leipzig

Tel: +49 (0)341 92 70 48 13

Owner: Jürgen Kleinig

Listed in the commercial register at Leipzig Local Court
VAT ID number under Section 27a UStG (German VAT Act):

No liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information on this website. Moreover, no liability can be accepted by Alte Celluloid Fabrik GbR for any injury, loss or damage caused by using this website.

Despite careful checks, no liability can be accepted for the content of external links. Responsibility for the content of linked websites lies exclusively with their operators.

All unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, publication or commercial use of the content contained on this website is prohibited and may lead to criminal and civil prosecution.

Responsible for content under Section 55(2) RStV (Interstate Broadcasting Agreement): Jürgen Kleinig

Last updated: 23.02.2017

Design and programming:
Franziska Becker, trafik Leipzig and Ingo Linde